Tuesday, 30 October 2012

6million People Without Light,13 dead as Hurricane Sandy Visits America

America has never seen a storm like this. Over $15 billion in damages. At least 13 people killed. Homes destroyed. High-rise apartment buildings now islands. 6.5 million people in 13 states without power. Major airports in Northeast closed. Federal government offices closed. Three feet of heavy snow like concrete, storm surge 14 feet high, buildings on fire, transport in chaos. Mass transit system, schools, stock exchange, all shut down as Super Storm Sandy wrecks havoc in the US.

The New York City subway system which is 108 years old has never faced a disaster as devastating as what was experienced last night. Atlantic City in New Jersey has become an extension of the Atlantic Ocean as water pressed into the city from three sides, flooding rail yards, subway tracks, tunnels and roads. See photos after the cut...


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