Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The Sky's Falling

You saw how the dark clouds squeeze light out from the moon and star,
And left the night with no illumination;
You stared,you saw everything
Without seeing anything;

Yet you left your dark shadows outside for the arcadians and ran into your ivory tower.

You prayed it to never catwalk into you as your dream; deliver you to yet another nightmare,
But you can't run away cause the sticks and pillars you hope on. Aren't strong enough to wedge the falling sky.
Too late to run the purple lemon 'BARNEYS'
Too late to blame;
Too late to ask merry,merry picnic questions.

The sky's falling and we are all journeying in a world that doesn't always go to the way we want

The sky's falling and we need each other now more than ever.

For more more comment and observation:E-mail -icednice1@yahoo.com or call-08101966561,SMS-08060185921

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