Police in Kogi on Monday announced the recovery of 46 Improvised Explosive Devices, and the arrest of a suspect from a residential building during an overnight operation.
Commissioner of Police Mohammed Katsina told newsmen in Lokoja that the recovery was made in Okaito area when a man suspected to have detonated the explosives near a church in Okene on Sunday, led the police to the apartment.
He described the building as "an intriguing and disgusting deceit’’.
According to him, two of the rooms in the four-bedroom apartment had been converted to a mosque and a church.
Commissioner of Police Mohammed Katsina told newsmen in Lokoja that the recovery was made in Okaito area when a man suspected to have detonated the explosives near a church in Okene on Sunday, led the police to the apartment.
He described the building as "an intriguing and disgusting deceit’’.
According to him, two of the rooms in the four-bedroom apartment had been converted to a mosque and a church.