Tuesday 23 July 2013

Joseph Yobo- I never sent my mother in law away

This is the reaction of joseph to the allegation of him sending his wife's mum packing....The Yobos and the Fashanus have a great relationship, a fantastic one at that and very good mutual respect for each other, and we thank God for that. 

'We have no problems at all.  We have two great houses next to each other in Istanbul, Turkey that is big enough to accommodate our families, without anyone invading on anyone's privacy. They are just trying to destroy the two families. 

When we first came across the stories, we thought okay it was just one of those silly little gossips and that it would soon fade away and be forgotten. Only for us to read it and found out it was very well orchestrated pack of lies, from the beginning to the end of it: they didn't even know where I am from and claimed I am from Plateau State. 

They constructed lies about my mother-in-law and her family, claiming all that is not true and that they have no proof of. Most definitely, this is just somebody trying to damage these families. I can tell you categorically, I would not swap my wife for anybody in this world, no woman from anywhere can take her place, she means the world to me. 

The number of calls we have received over this falsehood is unbelievable. People calling to find out what was going on.  I tell you now and this is the absolute truth- ''My wife is my best friend, she's my queen, she's my everything, our families are doing great and doing very well together. Anyone thinking otherwise is only wasting his or her time. 

I am not going to allow anyone disrespect my Mother-in-law wrongfully. I am not going to accept this. They have stepped way out of line this time and I am not going to take it lying low. We would definitely seek legal redress.

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