Found this Article about Jay Z on The Daily Mail .They claim he is a devotee of a satanic cult Ordo Templi Orientis Founded by Aleister Crowley (pic above). Check out what they wrote and comment
From The Daily Mail
Ordo Templi Orientis founding 'prophet' Aleister Crowley, who was born into an upper-class British family in 1875, styled himself as 'the Great Beast 666'. He was an unabashed occultist who, prior to his death in 1947, reveled in his infamy as 'the wickedest man in the world'.
His form of worship involved sadomasochistic sex rituals with men and women, spells which he claimed could raise malevolent gods and the use of hard drugs, including opium, cocaine, heroin and mescaline. Crowley's motto — perpetuated by OTO — was 'do what thou wilt'. And it is this individualistic approach that has led to a lasting fascination among artists and celebrities.
…celebrities linked to OTO include the rapper Jay-Z, who has repeatedly purloined imagery and quotations from Aleister Crowley.